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Raldey Belts - Factory Quality for half the price.
- AS GOOD AS Raldey: 350-700 miles range*
- 2-DAY SHIPPING: Get it as fast as Amazon
- I've sold thousands with a 96% satisfaction rating on Ebay
- Sold thousands on Amazon with a 4+/5 star rating
- 1 set includes two belts
- Compatible: Raldey Carbon AT
I promise you that you'll receive the best customer support you will ever receive ever. Period. I have to make this business work and I will prove to you that this is a great product and company! Reach me at any hour at
*Mileage depends heavily on riding style, wheel configuration, and rider weight. A 250+ lb rider with a larger diameter than factory wheels that brakes hard and accelerates hard (repeatedly) will have significantly reduced mileage than a 150+lb, stock wheel configuration, gentle accelerating, and braking rider.