Development Updates & Announcements

Blog #10 - Need your opinion on the design

Blog #10 - Need your opinion on the design

We want your feedback on the design of our newest wheel!


Blog #10 - Need your opinion on the design

We want your feedback on the design of our newest wheel!

Blog #10 - Need your opinion on the design

Blog #10 - Need your opinion on the design

We want your feedback on the design of our newest wheel!

Blog #10 - Need your opinion on the design

We want your feedback on the design of our newest wheel!

Blog Post #4: Preliminary bench marking and mold prototypes

Blog Post #4: Preliminary bench marking and mol...

We asked a lot of riders on what they wanted to change about their Boosted Board if they could bolt on a wheel. Here is what riders said: We got...


Blog Post #4: Preliminary bench marking and mol...

We asked a lot of riders on what they wanted to change about their Boosted Board if they could bolt on a wheel. Here is what riders said: We got...

Blog post 3: Couple weeks of progress!

Blog post 3: Couple weeks of progress!

Blog Post #3: Our Progress So Far The wheel is responsible for every imaginable performance aspect of your ride - top speed, acceleration, handling. Take a look at some the...


Blog post 3: Couple weeks of progress!

Blog Post #3: Our Progress So Far The wheel is responsible for every imaginable performance aspect of your ride - top speed, acceleration, handling. Take a look at some the...

Blog 2: How the Wheel is Wheel-y, Wheel-y Important For Performance

Blog 2: How the Wheel is Wheel-y, Wheel-y Impor...

The range of electric vehicles comes down to a few variables.  For cars like a Tesla, there are four key metrics: tire rolling resistance, aerodynamic drag, vehicle mass, and ancillary...

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Blog 2: How the Wheel is Wheel-y, Wheel-y Impor...

The range of electric vehicles comes down to a few variables.  For cars like a Tesla, there are four key metrics: tire rolling resistance, aerodynamic drag, vehicle mass, and ancillary...

1 comment
Blog 1: Our Mission

Blog 1: Our Mission

Our Mission At Momentum, we are lovers of Boosted Boards and we want to help fellow riders get the most out of their board. Our mission statement is to help...

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Blog 1: Our Mission

Our Mission At Momentum, we are lovers of Boosted Boards and we want to help fellow riders get the most out of their board. Our mission statement is to help...

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